Posts Tagged ‘Intellitours’

GPS Brilliance

December 26, 2007

There was a story on NPR this morning discussing the high sales of GPS units over the holidays. The story stated that GPS units have become an everyday consumer item. I have owned a Garmin GPS for five years and have had a lot of fun with it and often find it very useful when I am out exploring and adventuring. I find them particularly useful for finding hot springs.

The story on the radio this morning mentioned this company called Intellitours. What they do is have audio visual commentary programed into the GPS that will play as you are driving past certain places. For example, it will tell you the history of San Francisco as you drive into the city. I believe there is tremendous potential with this idea. As a geographer, I would love to discuss interesting natural history and geographic features throughout the country that could be programed into the GPS. Maybe I will do this in my next career!